Thursday, December 30, 2010

My baby is 7! {How did that happen?}

So, Monday, the 27th was Lena’s 7th birthday :(  How did she get to be 7 already?  I am not ready for her to grow up!
She was 6lbs 14oz and 20.5inches long.  Look at that precious little face!
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Today she is 4 foot 1 inches tall and 49 lbs…. she still has a precious little face ;)
Lena is sweet little girl who loves to snuggle, give kisses, and often says how much she loves you.  She is our Switzerland… always making sure not to take sides on anything, but tries to make everyone feel special and loved :)

Lena had a 3 day birthday celebration… it started on her actual birthday. I gave her my present to her – an art bucket – filled with paint, paintbrushes, crayons, stickers, stapler, scissors, coloring books, and drawing paper.
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Then she got to choose what she wanted for her birthday dinner… she wanted taco’s and she got to use the special plate for her dinner!
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While we were having dinner Evan and Annie dropped by to say Happy Birthday and to give Lena some presents.  They stayed for dinner and had a nice visit :)1210_013 0041210_013 007
Day 2 of her birthday celebration was going out on her birthday date with daddy.  they went to Pizza Eatza and had a great time eating and playing the arcade games together!

Day 3 was her birthday party – Anne and Hannah came over along with Liam and Kathy, Nanny, Papa, Aunt Jodi and Aunt Krista.  She wanted a littlest Pet Shop Birthday, so she decorated the cake herself and all the kids at the party adopted a stuffed animal that we got at the dollar store and they made collars for their new pets out of string and beads.
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